These 54mm bottomless portafilters will make your friends jealous

54mm bottomless portafilters

Need a 54mm bottomless portafilter? Check these out

1. This incredibly gorgeous 54mm bottomless portafilter with wooden handle from Santo.

santo 54mm bottomless portafilter wooden handle

Because wood is the trend nowadays, right? This beauty from Santo features a heavy-duty stainless steel construction with a wooden handle that actually looks good. With so many bottomless portafilters on the market these days, we've found this one to stand out. 

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2. A timeless beauty from Comunita.

comunita 54mm bottomless portafilter

This incredibly gorgeous 54mm bottomless from Comunita is both good-looking and sturdy. Not a fan of the all-wood handles you see all over the place these days, this model combines both walnut and stainless steel making it one of our favorites. 

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3. Don't care for wood? This ergonomically pretty bottomless is for you.

54mm bottomless portafilter black handle

Thought they'd all be wooden handled, didn't you? This more traditional look offers durability and ease-of-use in this simple design. Perhaps the best constructed 54mm bottomless portafilter on this list, it's also incredibly well-priced. 

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4. Ideal 54mm bottomless for most Breville machines from UNIK FIXA.

unik 54mm bottomless portafilter black handle

Another black handle? We must be crazy. High-quality construction combined with a unique basket design makes this portafilter from Unik ideal for any Breville espresso machine owner. 

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5. Rosewood, Rosewood, Rosewood. Need we say more? What a beauty from Timberrain.

54mm rosewood bottomless portafilter

We think this might be one of the best looking wooden 54mm bottomless portafilters on the market. Can you argue?

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What is a bottomless portafilter?

Unlike traditional portafilters that contain either a single or double spout (for single or double shots of espresso), bottomless portafilter do not have prongs coining them the name "bottomless" or other times "naked" portafilters. 

If you've been in the market for an espresso machine, you've probably seen photos of these on Instagram. You know the ones we're talking about where you can see the funnel of espresso dripping down into the user's cup.

Well, that's a bottomless portafilter!

What is the point of bottomless portafilters?

They're more than just a good photo-op - we promise.

Bottomless portafilters are wonderful learning tools to help you perfect your espresso shots as they present so much valuable information to help you get better. 

As you'll be able to see your entire extraction, you'll quickly be able to tell what you're doing right, and more importantly, what you're doing wrong when preparing your coffee for extraction. 

Espresso pouring all over the place making a complete mess? You're most likely doing everything wrong. Finen up your grind, increase your dosage, increase your tamping pressure. In short, start over. 

Espresso not coming out at all? Coarsen up your grind as water is severely struggling to make it through your coffee as your coffee grounds are WAY too fine.

Do I need a bottomless portafilter?

While bottomless portafilters aren't 100% necessary, they are a great item to have. This is especially true if you're a beginner. 

If you find yourself struggling to create shots with good crema, shots that taste good, or shots that lack flavor, a bottomless portafilter can help!

Some machines, like the Lelit Bianca V3, even come with one as most manufactuers have learned most customers end up getting one anyway so why not throw one in!

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